
6 course renaissance lute after magno dieffopruchar 1550

Back: 9 ribs of maple with black lines

Neck: Soft wood veneered with maple or ebony

Pegbox: veneered with maple or ebony

Soundboard: Spruce

String length: 64cm

Frets: 8 tied gut frets / 4 frets on the belly

Pegs: Fruitwood, coloured black

Bridge: Fruitwood with a top of ebony

Fingerboard: Ebony

Courses: 6

The pictures show an elaborate version.

The original is one of the few surviving 6-course lutes. It was made in 1550 by magno dieffopruchar in Venice. The back consists of ivory with lines of ebony, neck and pegbox are veneered in the same manner. Besides the rose there is no decoration to the soundboard.

The instrument shown in the pictures is an "invers" copy as far as materials are concerned, wich means it is an elaborat version. The measurements correspond to the original's. The neck is rather narrow compared to modern standards.

dieffopruchar 6-chörig dieffopruchar 6-chörig dieffopruchar 6-chörig dieffopruchar 6-chörig dieffopruchar 6-chörig dieffopruchar 6-chörig dieffopruchar 6-chörig dieffopruchar 6-chörig